Frequently Asked Questions

If I come see a show will I be called on, embarrassed, or insulted by the performers? 

No! The audience might be asked for suggestions to fuel our shows, but the entire audience is asked. We don't single out unwilling members of our audience. That would be bad for business and bad for the universe. Don't be scared! Come and laugh with us.


Are shows appropriate for children? 

Parents of middle and high school age children should understand that our fully improvised shows can be anywhere from PG to a strong R and can contain foul language, improvised violence, or sexual material. Generally, the HIT recommends children be 16 years or older, but we do not police this at the door. Bring children your own discretion.


I really want to take a class, but I cannot afford it. Do you offer any internships?

Yes, and we also have a scholarship seats available in our level one classes for ages 17-20 through our Young Improviser Scholarship program. For information on internships or scholarships email us at


I have some improv experience - how can I get involved? 

Take a class. Even if you are an incredibly talented and refined improviser, classes are fun and help us maintain cohesion and quality among our shows. After completion of our curriculum, improvisers are invited to audition for one of our house teams.


Is there free parking available?

Yes! There is plenty of street parking all around the theatre. There are no meters in our neighborhood. 


Do you accept credit or debit cards? 



I have to drop my class. Can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, we are not able to refund class registrations. However, we will consider giving a credit for a future class. You *MUST* email to request a credit. No guarantees. 


Can I buy alcohol at the HIT?

No, BUT we are BYOB so feel free to bring your own!